social media marketing

7 Time-Saving Social Media Marketing Shortcuts

Social media marketing does not need to consume your workdays. We offer time-saving tips and shortcuts to improve your productivity without reducing your content or responsiveness on social media.

Customers expect that their favorite businesses will be on social media, which means that you can’t ignore the platform. Yet, managing social profiles can be extremely time-consuming. With a few social media marketing shortcuts, you can free up time each week to focus on other areas of your business while still providing outstanding content and service to customers. Some of these shortcuts might come as no big surprise to you while others might be something you’ve never thought about. 

Here’s are our top seven time-saving shortcuts to free up more time in your day.

1. Use Social Media Keyboard Shortcuts

You might not realize how long it takes you to click or respond to a social media post. But by using shortcuts, you can free up time in your day. Several keyboard shortcuts work within social platforms.

  • On Facebook, just hit the letter P on your keyboard to start a new status.
  • On Twitter, click N to make a new tweet, L to like a tweet and R to reply.
  • From a mobile device, you can use a firm press on the Instagram icon to share a post, go to direct messages or view activities before even opening the app.

2. Use Scheduling Tools to Collaborate with Others

Companies that have large teams managing multiple social media channels will see great benefits from adopting scheduling tools. This will allow your team to collaborate while also taking advantage of cross-posting between platforms.

Various members of your team will be able to see scheduled posts, respond to comments and plan out future posts without stepping on anyone’s toes in the process.

3. Put Your Attention Where It Has the Greatest Value

Every social media channel resonates with a different audience. Your audience might be great for Instagram but mediocre for Twitter. While you might not abandon your Twitter profile entirely, you’ll spend more time on Instagram engaging with users and increasing your following.

social media messaging

4. Draft an Editorial Calendar

You probably spend more time contemplating what to post on social media than you realize. The brainstorming process takes tons of time, but planning out content via an editorial calendar can help you in improving your productivity when writing content.

5. Look to Outside Sources for Content

Companies can only share so much of their own content. You need a balance of posting your blog posts and news releases alongside user-generated content and information from trade publications or outside news sources.

6. Reuse Old Content

If you have content that resonated well with your audience, reuse it again in several months. Keep track of high-performing articles, videos and more to know what to redistribute and when.

As you approach events, seasons or holidays you’ve already generated content for in the past, look to use some of that existing content while sprinkling in new information that users have never seen before.

7. Hire a Social Media Management Team

Developing social media content takes longer than you might imagine. Outsourcing this work can be extremely beneficial in saving you time and freeing up your time to focus on other things. Your in-house marketing resources can go to high-level strategy while freelancers work on the less specialized content.

New Light Digital is a full-service digital marketing agency. We provide social media management services to help you focus on running your business. Schedule a free consultation to learn more about our services and impactful results we’ve achieved for other companies.

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