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How Often Should I Publish Blogs for Best SEO Results?

As you build your content marketing plan, you might be wondering how often you should publish blogs for best SEO results. Here’s your answer.

Publishing blog posts is a time-consuming endeavor but one that is extremely important for SEO results. So how often should you publish blog for best SEO results? The answer is that it depends because every business is different. But no matter what, you should post a minimum of once a month.

Even the posts that you write can have different goals, such as driving traffic or serving as a pillar for other posts to link back to. So as you prepare to build your content calendar, learn how to decide when and how often to publish to your blog. 

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How Many Blogs Should I Publish Each Month?

The number of blogs you should publish each month depends on the type of business you run, the competition in your field and where you’re at in your journey with establishing traffic to your website.

But if you’re in the maintenance phase where you’ve built some traffic to your website and you’re looking to continue growing it, here’s how many blogs you should publish each month.

  • Media: you’ll publish almost daily with a minimum of 20 blogs per month because your entire business model is bringing people in with fresh content.
  • B2B: your buyers are well-informed and often include a committee that decides which product to purchase. You’ll need to stay top-of-mind but you’re also publishing in-depth blogs to help buyers make a decision. You’ll need 2-3 blogs per month to stay relevant.
  • B2C: your consumer is likely passionate about your products and enjoys reading new things about them. You also likely have plenty of competitors working to rank for the same keywords as you. For best results, you should post 3-4 times a month.

These figures are general guidelines though. It’s more important that you publish quality over quantity. So if 24-36 blogs per year seems too daunting as you’re doing your content calendar, realize that you can trim that back to once per month with a few extra blogs tossed in during your busier seasons to drive more traffic. 

Factors Impacting Blog Frequency

How often you choose to publish to your blog will vary based on several factors. Those factors include the following.

  • Content marketing goals: before you set up this year’s content calendar, consider what you’re trying to achieve with your content. Are you looking to increase traffic, generate more engagement or fill your lead generation funnel? You might be reading this and thinking, all of those, which is great. But you have to focus in one area first to start seeing results.
  • Resources: content management and generation takes so much time and expertise. Your next question to answer is whether you can write high-quality content every few weeks and have the team to post and optimize that content regularly. 
  • What’s truly necessary: ultimately you want to publish enough content to reach your goals without spending too much of your marketing budget on content only. As you consider your content plan, you should be writing it with your reader in mind and not just search engines. Sure, you need traffic to your website, but you can’t just publish arbitrary posts that no one will hang around to read. If you can’t publish high-quality content 2-4 times per month, just focus on once a month to get started.

Evaluating Content Creation Resources

Before you get too far into committing to how many blog articles you’ll post each month, you need to review your resources. This is a major factor that will determine how often you post.

SEO is highly dependent on the quality of content. An astounding 7.5 million new blog posts are published on the internet every day. So what will make yours stand out and make Google decide that it should be at the top of results? It all comes down to quality and answering your readers’ questions.

If you don’t have the time, budget and team to maintain blogging frequency, you won’t experience the results you’re targeting. And posting low-quality content could actually do more harm than good for your rankings. Thin content – or content that lacks depth – is never good and can also harm your SEO.

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Review Who Your Target Audience Is

Your readers come to you for answers. If you aren’t answering their questions or problems through your content, you aren’t doing your job. So for best results, you should review what problems your target audience faces to determine the content you need to guide them.

As you consider your target audience, review these factors:

  • What’s the reader’s attention span? Some target audiences are skimmers who want to get in and get out with learning about a topic. They might be reading your content on the go or in a high-pressure situation where they need answers fast.
  • How often do they visit your website? Does it take many months for your customer to decide which product or service is best for them?
  • What format helps you reach your customers effectively? For example, video can be great for showing how to do something or demonstrating how a product works. But viewers need the right setting to see and hear that content. Written text is easier in other contexts, but your super in-depth content needs an index, headings, bulleted lists and graphics to improve readability. Maybe you need some how-to guides in varying lengths. Some consumers are light users of a product while others need minute details to execute on using a product to its fullest.

Content Marketing Differences for B2B vs. B2C Companies

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B2B vs. B2C companies have varying goals, strategies and customers. This makes their content marketing goals different. 

B2B companies generally need long-form content that goes deep into a topic. In contrast, B2C companies look for fast sale conversions from slightly lighter content.

If your audience is industry professionals, or experts within your field, you’ll want to post well-researched, thorough blogs once or twice a month. But if your audience is an average consumer, short content that is broken down into digestible pieces will often resonate better with your target audience.

Finding Your Ideal Blogging Frequency

Now you know that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to blogging frequency. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t an ideal number for your blog specifically. You might start experimenting with varying numbers of blog posts per month. And as you review your results, look at these metrics:

  • Resource strain
  • Staff time
  • Website traffic changes
  • SEO results
  • Time left for supporting marketing functions, (i.e., email marketing, pay-per-click advertising)

You might not see a clear indication of how many blogs are ideal for meeting your goals. That’s because it takes time and expertise to build a full SEO strategy that is all-encompassing. SEO is about more than just blogging. It’s a careful plan that includes backlinks, technical improvements and careful keyword usage.It’s not something you can master in a day or even a year. That’s why experts like New Light Digital are incredibly helpful in building a content marketing and SEO strategy for companies looking to grow their business through their online presence. For insights on everything from SEO to social media, schedule a free consultation with our team.

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