Lead Generation Strategies

Innovative Lead Generation Strategies for B2B Marketing

Find ways to generate more B2B leads through innovative marketing strategies. These 10 lead-generation tactics work well for B2B businesses.

B2B marketing is mostly focused on lead generation strategies. While it can be challenging to find a process that works best for your business, once you find some go-to methods, your marketing can work like a well-oiled machine. 

There is no substitute for testing various methods to find what works well for your audience and within your industry. Here’s a look at innovative lead-generation tactics for B2B businesses.

Innovative B2B Lead Generation Strategies

Find ways to meet more prospects. Here’s a look at innovative lead-generation strategies tailored to your business.

1. Test Various Content

Your website is an essential piece in your marketing. Ensure it is resonating with your audience by testing various content. A/B test headlines and visuals for your business to find the best language to attract and convert your audience. 

You’ll need a third-party tool to do this with most website CMS. But it can be well worth the funds. Alternatively, you can change out the headlines at the start of the month to see which resonates better. But you might end up with mixed results due to seasonality or differing website drivers during those months.

2. Develop Customer-centric Copy

Content is powerful. You can increase website traffic and showcase your expertise. But you can’t just create any content or ask AI to write content for you. For content to work well, you need to spend some time thinking about the pain points your customers face and their biggest questions.

As you evaluate those questions, consider what those questions might look like before they question products or solutions. For example, before a company seeks accounting software, they question what they need to know about business taxes. Or they might seek a solution for invoicing customers and find that there are all-in-one solutions.

Your content won’t be about selling your product. It will be about answering customer questions. It builds trust and relationships to generate leads and get people thinking about you and your services.

Consider platforms and mediums you can create this content on. For example, don’t just write blogs. Film short videos, develop infographics and deliver content across your website, social media and third-party partners.

3. Develop Social Proof

You can talk about how great you are, or you can show it. But showing it will have a far greater impact than simply saying it.

Social proof helps other businesses realize that you’ve helped organizations just like yours. They’ll see the benefits you provide in real stories and personal accounts of working with you.

Buyers might doubt that you can do what you say you can until they hear it from others. Social proof builds trust and can encourage organizations to take the next step with you.

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Social proof can come in various forms.

  • Market research: instead of quoting other people’s research, complete your own. Build statistics and information based on what your customers tell you. This can be done using surveys, focus groups or paying a third party to conduct research for you.
  • Influencer marketing: this is less common in B2B marketing but it can work in certain industries and types of buyers. People like seeing others showcase your product and how they use it. Especially if it is another business owner they respect.
  • Write case studies: show how other businesses solved their problems using your products and services. Keep this about the customer and less about you. That way, customers can see themselves in your case studies.
  • Reviews: encourage customers to write a review of your business once they’ve used its products and services for a little while. Their thoughts and opinions are invaluable to showcasing what makes your organization great.

4. Generate a Lead Magnet

Consider a lead magnet you can create that would be helpful to your customers and be something that they want badly enough to share their contact information with you. For example, you can write an ebook, develop a calculator, create a quiz with results on best next steps, help a company understand their liability, etc. It all depends on your industry and the products and services you sell.

The most important part about your lead magnet is that it must be something that users can’t find elsewhere without inputting their information. Innovate helpful information your customers won’t find from your competitors. While lead magnets can cost some money to set up due to technology requirements, they often pay for themselves in lead generation quickly.

5. Film YouTube Videos

YouTube is the second-most visited website behind Google, which owns the video platform. Not only is YouTube great for SEO, but it also is a place people go for answers to questions, just like search engines.

You don’t need a fancy production studio to develop great video content. Look to content you’re already creating, such as recording a webinar and then offering it on-demand. 

For videos to be effective at lead generation, they need an opportunity for customers to reach out and learn more. Make sure you’re including this information in your videos and on your YouTube page.

Optimize your YouTube page for conversion so you get to know your viewers.

Lead Generation Strategies

6. Make Your Outreach Personal and Unique

Instead of sending a cold email that sounds like any other, think up ways to make it unique. Perhaps that’s including one of your YouTube videos or sending product samples to your top prospects.

One company grabbed its customers’ attention by mailing out roofing shingles. And guess what, it wasn’t a roofing company. Instead, it was a ploy to get the audience’s attention and indicate that they could help earn them sales through the roof.

Which is a good segue into the next lead generation tip.

7. Take Advantage of Direct Mail

Admittedly, there’s nothing innovative about direct mail. It’s been around for decades. But many companies dumped it in favor of digital tactics. As such, it’s a less crowded space than it used to be and isn’t as cluttered as some digital channels where every business is vying for the same audience.

But you can’t just write a letter. You need to be innovative and stand out in the pile of mail the executives and business owners receive. Consider sending a gift, like a cup, treat or gift card that helps get the prospect’s attention. 

8. Use LinkedIn

LinkedIn holds a wealth of information about businesses and decision-makers at those businesses that are right-sized for your offering. The key is finding a way to have a meaningful interaction with customers on these platforms. 

Advertising costs more per click on LinkedIn than on other social media platforms. But paying that price can be worth it if you target your ads carefully and ensure they are focused on lead generation. Or, you can complete personal outreach on the platform using the tenets of social selling. 

9. Publish Guest Posts

Getting your content on third-party websites can aid you immensely in gaining awareness for your offering. Find other websites related to your offering and ask if you can write a guest post for them. Make sure the audience is right before publishing though, especially if you have to pay for the guest post.

Guest posts will aid your SEO as well because they provide legitimate backlinks. This can provide valuable traffic to your website. Then you just have to be sure you have strong lead funnels to capture those leads.

10. Organize Webinars

Webinars are powerful tools for capturing B2B leads. Engage customers and educate them about your industry. Your webinar content shouldn’t be a sales pitch. That’s what sales demos are for. Instead, you want to offer value through your webinars just like you do with your other forms of content.

Work with Experienced Marketing Professionals

Finding traction with B2B sales can take time. The best way to start seeing results is to work with experienced marketing professionals. New Light Digital is a team of marketers with vast B2B experience. Schedule your free consultation now to gain ideas and concepts of what you should be doing based on your audience and your industry.

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