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Content marketing demands different types of content to meet the needs of various customers. Here’s a look at how podcasting meets those needs.

No one type of content will resonate with all people. That’s why we create content for videos, emails, blogs and social media. Podcasts in content marketing are often overlooked.

Podcasting has exploded over the last decade. On average, podcast listeners spend 6 hours and 39 minutes per day listening to podcasts. You could be using podcasts to elevate your brand and demonstrate your market leadership.

Podcast Marketing

But the leap to joining the podcasting landscape is often intimidating for brands. You shouldn’t let it hold you back from reaching new customers with your message. 

Here’s an overview of how to add podcasts to your content marketing lineup.

Create a Podcasting Strategy

Before you start your podcast, get excited, and then only develop two episodes and forget about it, organize a sound strategy and plan for how podcasts fit in with your existing content.

As part of your strategy, you should consider the following.

  • Explore what equipment and subscriptions you need for beginning a branded podcast. Make sure these items fit into your marketing budget.
  • Categorize your content according to what format or medium it is best suited for. Podcasts include content that is conversational and doesn’t require visuals to make it understandable.
  • How will you promote the podcast to ensure the listener base grows to make it worth your time?
  • Set a content length that matches the needs of your audience. For example, if you’re targeting middle-aged moms, you should keep the episodes to no more than 30 minutes. That way, parents who are picking up children from school or waiting for them during sports practice can listen using that free time.
  • Create a publishing timeline for how often you’ll put out new episodes, so listeners know when to look for them.

Sometimes, creating YouTube videos that customers can listen to while doing household chores is a better place to start. YouTube is free of charge to publish your content and all you’ll need to invest in is a good microphone.

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Distributing and Marketing Your Podcast

Creating a podcast is an investment of time and resources. You want to make sure you get the most out of that investment by distributing and marketing your podcast effectively. Here’s a look at the best strategies to do this.

1. Add Your Podcast to All Directories

There are many directories or platforms where users listen to and engage with podcasts. To reach the most users, you need your podcast to be present on all these platforms. Prioritize the best ones with the largest listener bases, such as:

  • Apple Podcasts
  • Google Podcasts
  • Audible
  • Spotify
  • Pandora

This requires upfront work but will be simple to add episodes once you’re all set up with these platforms.

2. Focus on SEO for Your Episodes and Channel

Consider how you want users to find your content. Name your podcast and write your podcast description based on this. Google does index audio content and shows audio files within search results. That means that failing to consider SEO when publishing new content means you aren’t getting the most benefit possible from your podcasts.

Before you get started, research keywords relevant to your podcast topic. Use those keywords within your podcast and in your show notes.

3. Integrate Podcasts and Blogging

Announce your podcast on your blog and do a little cross-posting to make sure you’re reaching the largest audience possible. That way, your existing blog readership can subscribe to your podcast and help you start building your audience. 

And as you write your blog about your podcast, make sure you’re incorporating your target keywords to get the most out of your content marketing. 

4. Announce New Episodes on Social Media

But do more than just link to the episode. Create a Reel on Instagram showing you recording key parts of the episode, share your blog post announcing the podcast and create audio clips that entice readers to listen to the rest of your episode.

Instagram Reels

Ask for feedback on the topic to start a discussion, which will increase the reach of your social media post and help others discover your podcast. 

Remember, all content marketing works together. The right strategy and distribution plan will make all the difference in helping your branded podcast succeed.

If you need help creating a content marketing plan, schedule a free consultation with New Light Digital. We’re experts at all things digital marketing and will help you build a strategy that makes sense based on your audience and your resources.

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