invest in your website

When Is a Good Time to Invest in Growing Your Website?

More than 90% of users turn to a web search to find the product or service they need. That’s why, today, an internet presence is more relevant than ever. And it is precisely why digital marketing specialists advise investing in growing and improving your website.

In the age of information, the market becomes more competitive by the hour. And it’s in no small measure thanks to the wonders of the internet. Customers look for availability, accessibility, and convenience. And where can they find it? That’s right – on your website! In fact, more than 90% of users turn to a web search to find the product or service they need. That’s why, today, an internet presence is more relevant than ever. And it is precisely why digital marketing specialists advise investing in growing and improving your website.

Areas to focus on when investing in growing your website

Every sort of investment when building your website will pay off in the long run. However, people often skip important steps to focus either on product placement or advertising. This often leads to ignoring some parts that have a massive impact. These are:

  • Domain name. A good domain name lets clients track your business down with ease. Ideally, you want a short domain name that reflects what your site is about;
  • Extension. Securing one of the prominent extension (.com, .net, .org) shows that you mean business and that you work on improving it;
  • Quality website design. An attractive and memorable website will make people want to revisit it, especially if it works on all devices;
  • Performance. The average internet user only waits for 3 seconds for a page to load. After that, they’re gone. Thus, you need a web hosting service that will ensure the optimal performance of your site.
  • Relevant, unique, and timeless content. Quality content will establish your website as a primary source of valid information. It will make people refer and return to it often. So, it’s a fantastic idea to have SEO specialists and copywriters keeping your site relevant.

The primary purpose of your website is to promote your product or services. However, your services alone are not what drives the sales; the presentation does. This is essential to keep in mind when the time comes to invest in growing your website.

Right now is a prime time to invest in growing your website

new website
A website is the face of your company.

In the light of ongoing events with the global pandemic, more and more people turned to the internet to satisfy their needs and desires. We order food online, shop for clothes, watch movies, buy books, hire cleaning services, hang out with friends. All that from the safety of our homes. In a sense, the internet became the central hub for, well – pretty much everything. And this won’t change. In fact, it will only grow in relevance. Therefore, you should invest in developing your website, so your business will keep pace with the market.

Stand out and stay ahead of the competition

You are not the only one offering services in your industry. There are potentially hundreds, or thousands, of similar companies. And yes – a lot of them are right in your backyard. To keep above the rest in a heavily saturated market, you need a website that stands out. One that will ensure that you’ll rank highly in local searches and remain a step ahead of the competition.

Build up a reputation and elevate your brand

A well-devised website goes a long way to establish authority and trust. So much so, in fact, that more than a third of users won’t even consider working with a company that doesn’t have a presentable website. That’s quite a significant portion of the customer base lost.

A good website makes you and your business look professional. It shows that you mean business and value your brand. And that alone can be enough to convince people to put their trust in you from the get-go.

Be available anytime, anywhere

Think of your website as a perfect employee. This person knows everything about your company. Its history, the services you provide, or the products you sell. They can disclose this information to potential customers within seconds. And, every time, each client has their undivided attention. Since they don’t need rest, they are available anytime.

Furthermore – they are available anywhere on the planet. Now, that’s an employee every aspiring entrepreneur would kill for. And the best thing is: you only need one! The time, energy, and money you invest in them remain yours forever, and they repay it every single day.

Get your site built the right way

We approach each web design project with conversion in mind.

Allow potential customers to familiarize themselves with your company

Although Google Ad campaigns are an excellent marketing strategy, nothing can beat word-of-mouth when it comes to advertising. Therefore, adding a review section is a fantastic way to invest in growing your website. Two main benefits of this are:

  1. User testimonials help create a “human bond” between your brand and potential clients. This, in turn, lets them build trust and makes them more open to the idea of working with you;
  2. Customer input is an invaluable tool to better your business. It allows you to see what customers want and need. But, more importantly, it lets you see how they want it. Therefore, you’ll be able to tweak your services to better cater to their desires. And a satisfied customer will leave a good review. Which, in turn, leads back to the previous point. It’s a never-ending circle that keeps on giving.

Let people find and contact you more easily

Your website is not only about the info and product placement. More than anything – it’s about convenience, and accessibility is a big part of that. No customer will ever rummage through your website just to find contact info. Instead, they’ll X away and go to another website.

So, be sure to embed your phone, mail, and address in your website’s header or footer and make it easily visible. Even better – integrate Google Maps. That way, your clients can get directions to your business with only a few clicks/taps. This is a minor investment, but by no means negligible. It’s the one that will help you grow your website and your business.

Investing in your website is always beneficial

With all the points made above, it’s easy to summarize and answer the headline question in one word. So, when is the best time to invest in growing your website? Always! Whenever you have the time or an idea, it’s worth contacting specialists to improve your website. Simply because, no matter how you look at it, you only stand to gain.

Further reading:

1 comment
  1. Thank you for explaining how you can build up your reputation with a good website. My sister has been thinking about improving her business’ image. I think it’s interesting that doing this can also help her business’ reputation and can be a good investment.

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