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Website Design Can Make or Break the Sale

Website sales are a crucial aspect of many business strategies and website design plays an important role. Learn how poor design could lead to poor e-commerce sales.

In 2019, online sales accounted for $601.75 billion in the U.S. alone, a growth of 14.9 percent over 2018. There is no doubt that online sales play an important role in the economy, which means websites are a crucial marketing tool.

The reality is, your website design can make or break the sale when a visitor lands on your website.

No matter how the visitor got to your website – through social media, email marketing, search engine, etc. – what matters is what they see and experience once they get there. If the process to find the information they seek is difficult, they’ll leave and find a website that’s better suited to their needs.

Good Website Design Guides the User

When a visitor comes to your website, they should never have to ask, “what next?” The next step should be clear to them. If it’s a product page, the add to cart button should be bold and clear. Suggestions for accompanying items can showcase the breadth of value you have to offer your customers.

And if the visitor lands on the homepage first, that page should tell your story and your key consumer benefit clearly. Website design does more than just make your website look good. It helps users navigate effectively and take the steps you want them to take in a logical order that leads to online sales.

Less Clutter Helps Reduce Load Time

web design optimization

The longer that your website takes to load, the less likely your user is to stick around. There are plenty of websites out there, many that sell the same things as yours. So why would a user care to stay and wait?

When your website is designed well, it maximizes the use of fast load times to get the most important information on the page first. There are many tactics that a website developer can discuss with you on how to use effective file types to enhance your user experience throughout your entire website.

Well-Placed Calls To Action Are More Effective

While you might think you have all the right calls to action, they might be in the wrong places and formatted such that they are easy to ignore. A call to action should be bold, clear and inviting.

The most obvious call to action is the buy now button or add to cart button. But think about other important calls to action, such as learn about a product or get in touch with us. Customer service is just as important as sales on your website. Make it simple to email, chat or call your company with questions. Opening lines of communication can help build confidence in your consumers.

The Coolness Factor Makes Your Website Shareable

website design

Websites that are attractive to the eye are more likely to get shared. When there is a coolness factor to them, your customers will be proud to share them with their friends and recommend your business.

And for that to happen, you need a sleek and modern web design that calls attention to the most important aspects of your business. Make sure your website is easy to read, pleasing to the eye and built on modern technology that meets today’s load speed expectations.

Mobile-First Design Makes Mobile Orders Simple

Mobile e-commerce sales accounted for about 44.7 percent of all e-commerce sales and are expected to account for 53.9 percent by 2021. Focusing on the mobile experience is crucial to ensuring that you don’t lose the sale due to poor website design on smaller devices.

All aspects of your website must adapt when screens are smaller while making it simple to place an order. You don’t want to turn anyone away from your site so consider all device sizes and ratios to ensure a strong experience.

At New Light Digital, we know the importance of web design and we help businesses maximize online sales through stunning, yet functional, websites. Contact us to learn how to improve your sales through website design.

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